CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin who got engaged on Friday. By the way, cuz, in the rare case that you may have not known, Friday was officially "Pi" day: 3.14! Isn't his fiance' lucky? He's such a kind, and good person. His inside matches his outside. Same is true with the bride! And, doesn't Grandma look so pretty, too?! Hopefully I'll get a picture of the couple together to share soon.

You kind readers may remember about a year ago when I so proudly posted pictures of our new entertainment center. I mentioned that the hole for the TV was a little too big for our current TV. Remember?....

We moved up in the world a little today...

This TV is a much better fit for the hole. We're really excited about it.
(We put in "Blades of Glory". Very funny movie, by the way.)

I just think this is funny. Rollei hangs out of his bed about half the time.
This is our Spring Break week. We're glad to have a much-needed break to relax. My sister's family is visiting, so I'm glad to have some time to hang out with them. Todd has several photo settings this week, also.
Hope you all are having a great week!